ASIC Verification: SOC Verification 2

Friday, April 25, 2008

SOC Verification 2

Traditional SOC Verification

Write a detailed test plan document

We usually write hundreds of directed tests to verify the specific scenarios and all sort of activities a verification engineer can think it is an important. But there are some limitations:
  • The complexity of SOC is such that, many important specific scenarios in which the bug might hide are never thought of.
  • As the complexity of SOC increases, it become difficult to write a directed test that reach the goals.
Test Generations

Each directed tests that we write, check the specific scenarios only once. But this is not advisable. Since we need to exercise these specific scenarios with different combination of inputs, then only we can find the hiding bugs. Many of us write a random test case to find the hiding bugs, but these are exercised only at the end of the verification cycle. Though these tests reach most of the unexpected corners, we will be verifying the same scenarios again and again and still tend to miss a lot of bugs. But what we actually need is to focus on the particular area of interest in the design. So ....... We need a generic test generators that can easily directed into areas of interest.


Test bench development for SOC design requires more efforts than the design itself. Many SOC verification test benches doesn't have a means for verifying the correctness of the integration of various modules. Instead the DUT is exercised as a whole unit. The main draw back to this approach is finding the source of the problems by tracing the signals all the way back to where it originated from takes much time. This leads to the need for integration monitors that could identify integration problems at the source.

Tape out..... Tape out..... Tape out.....

Every design and verification team needs an answer for the Million dollar question...... When are we ready for tape out?

To answer for this question is very tough as the verification quality is very hard to measure. Every one's answer would be different. My answer would be depends on code, branch, expression and toggle coverage, functional coverage and bug rates. To solve this dilemma, there is need for coverage metrics that will measure progress in a more precise way.

To summarize, there is always an element of spray and pray(luck) in verification, we are hoping that we will hit and identify most bugs. In SOCs, where so many independent components are integrated, the uncertainty in results is greater. There are new technologies and methodologies available today that offer a more dependable process, with less praying and less time that needs to be invested. In the next post i'll explain unique approaches in SOC verification.

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